
Pregnancy Nausea Remedies That Really Work

Pregnancy is one joyous, life-changing event, but when you’re heaving and feeling sick round the clock, it can be pretty difficult to function normally. So here, we round up natural pregnancy nausea remedies to help you cure or minimize your morning sickness.

It may be called morning sickness, but this common pregnancy symptom can strike any time of the day in over 70-80% of pregnant women. Usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting, morning sickness is caused by several reasons, including increased hormone levels and reduced blood sugar.

Pregnancy nausea is mild for some women, while others will have it worse. Whether you’re experiencing a mild or a severe case of nausea, it’s good to be armed with the knowledge of how to prevent morning sickness.

Our Top 7 Pregnancy Nausea Remedies:

From getting plenty of rest to staying hydrated, here are some of the best pregnancy nausea tips!

1. Go For Ginger

Pregnancy nausea remedies | Ginger tea

A Chinese medicine essential because of its numerous medicinal properties, you can try enjoying a hot cup of ginger tea or sucking on a ginger candy whenever you feel nauseous. Besides being an effective morning sickness remedy, it helps soothe the throat and improve immunity and digestion.

2. Sniff a Lemon

The lemon scent is not only incredibly refreshing but can be effective in reducing nausea and vomiting too. When you’re feeling queasy, try scratching the peel to bring out its natural scent.

3. Engage in Light Exercise

Pregnancy Nausea Remedies | Exercise | Yoga

Exercise may be the last thing on your mind when experiencing morning sickness, but it will be good for your body. Generally, physical activities such as walking or yoga are a good distraction and a great way to improve your overall health. Struggling to get through it? Consider chewing mint gum to keep nausea at bay. 

4. Eat With Care

An empty stomach will only worsen your morning sickness because there’s nothing for your stomach acids to work on. Try to eat small portions to have something in your stomach. Be mindful of what you eat as well.

Remember that fatty and spicy foods can trigger nausea. Meanwhile, bland foods, carbohydrates, and salty crackers are good options. Potassium-rich fruits such as bananas can also help prevent morning sickness.

5. Get Plenty of Sleep

Pregnancy Nausea Remedies | Get Plenty of Sleep

Simple but incredibly effective, sometimes all you need is to lie down and rest when morning sickness proves too much for you to handle. However, ensure you don’t nap after eating because it will only worsen nausea. To truly get your R&R, consider putting on a sleep mask to block the sunlight.

6. Wear Loose Clothes

Try to dress comfortably. Many Mamas say that clothes that are too tight around the abdomen worsen their nausea.

7. Stay Hydrated

Pregnancy Nausea Remedies | Stay Hydrated

Dehydration will only worsen feelings of nausea and vomiting, so make sure you drink up. If you struggle to get through one glass, try sucking ice cubes made from water or fruit juice. 

What To Do After A Morning Sickness Episode?

Rinse with mouthwash after morning sickness episode

Get a 43% Discount on Mama’s Choice Oral Care Bundle | $13.80 $7.90

Morning sickness can be a persistent early pregnancy symptom. If and when you are vomiting, don’t forget to brush your teeth and rinse with mouthwash afterwards. This is because the stomach acid that makes its way up can also damage your teeth and increase the risk of tooth decay!

However, make sure to wait at least an hour before you brush and rinse, as doing so immediately can cause erosion of your teeth enamel.

Choose a pregnancy-safe toothpaste and mouthwash like Mama’s Choice Non-Fluoride Toothpaste and Mama’s Choice Natural Mouthwash after a morning sickness episode to eliminate the uncomfortable aftertaste and help alleviate the nausea symptoms.

More importantly, our toothpaste and mouthwash are 100% safe during pregnancy because they do not contain alcohol, fluoride, triclosan, or SLS. All of which are chemicals that pose a risk to fetal development.

Coupled with mint flavour, this toothpaste and mouthwash will not induce nausea, even in Mamas who have heightened sensitivity to taste and smell. Moreover, our alcohol-free mouthwash is handy enough to fit in your purse, so you’re ready to battle morning sickness wherever you go! 

Mama's Choice Oral Care Bundle | Toothpaste and Mouthwash for Pregnancy

Get a 43% Discount on Mama’s Choice Oral Care Bundle | $13.80 $7.90

6 Causes Of Nausea During Pregnancy And How To Avoid Them
15 Early Signs of Pregnancy To Remember
The Dangers of Fluoride in Toothpaste

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Mama's Choice Team

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