
15 Early Signs of Pregnancy To Remember

Are you pregnant, or are you just feeling under the weather? Take note of these 15 early signs of pregnancy to help you ease through this journey effortlessly.

Besides a late period, there are many other signs and symptoms of pregnancy. However, these pregnancy symptoms are usually similar to what you would feel when your period is approaching. That is why some pregnancy signs go unnoticed by women.

In this article, we’ll learn more about these other early signs of pregnancy so that you know what to do to have a healthier and smooth-sailing pregnancy.

Let’s start our roundup of the 15 early signs of pregnancy:


1. Secondary Amenorrhea

Early Signs of Pregnancy | Secondary Amenorrhea

What is secondary amenorrhea? According to WebMD, it’s when your regular menstrual cycles stop for at least three months when you’re getting a regular period. For those with irregular periods, it’s when your cycle stops for six months. It happens due to natural hormonal changes in the body. One of the common causes of secondary amenorrhea is pregnancy. 

Tip: Take a pregnancy test and always record the first day of your menstrual period so that you can calculate how far along you are.

2. Nausea and Vomiting

An experience shared by more than 50% of pregnant women, nausea and vomiting is due to the sudden increase of the HCG hormone. Generally, these early signs of pregnancy disappear during the second trimester. However, if nausea is extreme and persistent, it may also signify hyperemesis gravidarum, which needs medical treatment. For relief, Mamas can enjoy a cup of ginger tea or catch a sniff of a lemon.

Tip: Drink plenty of warm water. Reduce the consumption of greasy foods, too.

3. Lower Energy Levels

If you find yourself getting tired quickly, it can also be an early sign of pregnancy. This is because of the increase in the progesterone hormone. Moreover, pregnant women get tired quickly because their organs, such as kidneys, lungs, and hearts, work harder simply because they have a baby growing inside them.

Tip: Make sure you get enough sleep every day and reduce your caffeine intake.

4. Loss of Appetite

Early signs of pregnancy | Loss of appetite

During the early stages of pregnancy, loss of appetite usually develops around the same time as morning sickness. The hormonal changes also contribute to appetite loss, which is experienced by 70 to 85% of pregnant women. In addition, these changes tend to make pregnant women sensitive to smells and certain foods.

Tip: Keep an eye on your diet to ensure you’re getting the right amount of nutrients for you and your baby.

5. Food Cravings

Another early sign of pregnancy is when pregnant women experience specific food cravings. Common in the first trimester, there’s no scientific evidence that explains why pregnant women have cravings, though it is allegedly due to hormonal changes. No matter the cause, food cravings are fine as long as they’re safe to eat!

Tip: Mamas, eat whatever you want but make sure it’s safe for pregnant women! And avoid foods that cause allergies too.

6. Breast Tenderness & Swelling


Soreness, sensitivity, and tenderness of the breasts are common in the early stages of pregnancy because of the rise of progesterone levels in your body. It usually happens one to two weeks after you conceive. And Mamas, don’t be surprised if you notice your areolas darkening too! 

Tip: Although you won’t be breastfeeding anytime soon, there’s nothing wrong with using a nipple cream like Mama’s Choice Intensive Nipple Cream to moisturise your nipples in preparation for breastfeeding.

7. Constipation in Pregnant Women

Early signs of pregnancy | Constipation

Did you know that constipation can also be an early sign of pregnancy because of the changing progesterone levels? You must stick to a healthy diet filled with fibre-rich foods when this happens.

Tip: Besides fibre-rich foods, make sure you’re drinking enough water too.

8. Spotting or Implantation Bleeding

It sounds terrible, but spotting, which looks like tiny drops of blood or brownish discharge, can signify pregnancy. For some women, spotting only means the embryo has been implanted in the uterus lining. 

Tip: Don’t panic, Mamas. Set an appointment with your doctor to confirm pregnancy.

9. Excessive Salivation

Non-fluoride toothpaste | maternity toothpaste

Excessive salivation can happen with no other pregnancy symptom, but it usually occurs in tandem with nausea and vomiting. As a result of changing hormone levels, this is common during the first trimester but can also appear during the third trimester. 

Tip: Brush your teeth regularly with Mama’s Choice Non-Fluoride Toothpaste and use Mama’s Choice Natural Mouthwash as many times as you can. 

10. Stomach Cramps

When pregnant, the cramping you feel isn’t much different from the cramps you feel when you have your period. Stomach cramps during the early stages of the pregnancy are normal. It can even continue until the second trimester.

Tip: Perform light movements for stretching. Bathe with hot water to reduce cramps.

11. Increase in Body Temperature

Increase in body temperature

Are you feeling warmer than usual? Generally, an increase in basal body temperature is expected during the early stages of pregnancy. This is because of elevated hormone levels. 

Tip: Do not panic and take a lot of rest. 

12. Mood Changes

With hormone levels drastically changing, most pregnant Mamas often have mood swings. Finding a sound support system is essential to help you ease through this journey.

Tip: Do meditation, enjoy some me-time, and engage in activities that can help relieve stress and relax your mind.

13. Discharge

A vaginal discharge is a way for the female reproductive system to prevent infection and keep the vagina clean. As long as it’s colourless with no pungent smell, there’s no need to worry!

Tip: Although a discharge is normal, consult a doctor if it’s accompanied by soreness or itchiness.

14. Dizziness

With stress, fatigue, and other changes happening to your body, dizziness is a common pregnancy sign. Make sure that you eat small, regular meals to avoid feelings of dizziness. 

Tip: Get plenty of rest until your condition improves.

15. Frequent Urination

When you’re pregnant, the position of the fetus will often rest on your bladder. Moreover, your kidneys are processing more fluid. As such, you’ll feel the need to urinate more often. It may be inconvenient to keep going to the bathroom but do not decrease your water intake as this can cause dehydration.

Tip: Drink plenty of water to ensure you stay hydrated.

Mama’s Choice for a healthy and comfortable pregnancy

Mamas, remember that everyone does not always experience these pregnancy signs and symptoms. Each mum has a unique pregnancy experience, after all. But tell us, how many of these early signs of pregnancy did you experience or currently experiencing?

Whether you’re a new mum or not, the most important thing is to take care of yourself with safe pregnancy products! Mama’s Choice is home to safe, halal, and natural care products formulated specifically for pregnant and breastfeeding Mamas. 

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Pregnancy Exercise: The Best Workouts for Every Trimester

Author Mama's Choice Team

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